Friendship- a castle story

tanisha jain
2 min readNov 19, 2022

We had a roadside walk, interestingly, always in heels to discuss this!

October 2014- 2022'

I will save the words to make paragraphs about her later! But, here are some of the enigmatic experiences I have attended with my close friend:

You can always return audacious even after mistakes!

Here’s to all those who panic the next moment while stuck in a loop of mistakes. From bitter lies to unfavourable experiences, anything can be welcomed, once you decide in one go! Together we made a mistake of mistrust and together we refined it with confidence, provided we had a vehicle ready to escape at speed! And, In the end, once you accept your mistakes you can always choose not to repeat them later.

To Live In the moment!

No, no! For this, you don’t have to think twice! You have to live your life the way you want. This is cliche and repeated at times, but is crucial. It has always been shopping and food for us and can be completely different for you. Unplanned outings and sudden good-bye’s have always been a part of our plan but those live conversations of discussing reality along with enjoying the present bring life.

Mostly speak and let go of the rest!

Wear your heart on your sleeves but also protect it! And when it comes to friendship, talk it out, sort it out. When we had a patience pause of 6+ months, we then later decided to talk it out and then let go of things unimportant. Going, back to the previous two parts, be accepting of your mistakes and live in the moment as these are worth your time.

Good friends make you learn about happening experiences…

