Less Time More Stories

tanisha jain
2 min readJan 7, 2023
Image by: Alexandra Zutto for Norde

AI has all the resources and you are the IGen!

In this rapidly advancing and dynamic world, how much is required to write a story in no time? Oh well, when we compare back, it takes so less.

One such influential liberty came right away with the introduction and advancements in artificial intelligence and chatbots. These conversational AIs can add up to your story-writing experience by providing you with the easiest way to write your own story!

So, can we conclude: Has writing been easier now than it has ever been or can we say writing now is for all?

Chatbots have made writing manageable in certain ways:

  1. Gives you a framework to start and finish properly
  2. Suggests all the resources required
  3. Facilitates with the right direction
  4. Communicates you with Instant solutions
  5. Processes in seconds

AI has now fuelled and supported the Gen-Z, although being the active and best respondents of the former, with a variety and handful of Instant solutions. While we discuss more conversational tools, the fact that admits about the feelings shared by humans remains an Inseparable aspect, more unique and pristine to the human age, writing is certainly made quicker and possible for everyone in no time and is for all but commenting shortly on the mere fact that it has been easier, will take a depth Insomnia for all those writers who first dip emotions and start to write!

