Teenage- a child of a child.

tanisha jain
2 min readDec 29, 2021

Can you recall these numbers 13,14,15,16,17,18,19? And now, identify them as odd- 13,15,17,19 & even- 14,16,18. I hope that made sense. But, what if I say all of them are odd or else, all of them are even? Mathematically, this will raise a revolt. But, thoughtfully this will disprove the fact. But how?

Teenage, meaning an age of youthfulness, adolescence, pubescence or juvenescence. All meaning the same when it comes to precision. But, can we call this transition a sense of sensitivity, crude and babyish?

Teenage is like a soul to your body. You cannot let go of it, this naturally! This age is the child of a child- the teenager in itself a child and the teenage? the child of an adult-self.

This is a period of change and most importantly an age of help. The innocent children may not come and ask for it but they need it. They need a helping hand in the face of a guide.

Starting with the basic, the environment around them is of knowledge as they acquire education through school. In this, some might shine bright and some might behave alike a falling star. For the falling star child, there may be many reasons, for example, what if they have a biased teacher? Or a strict parent? or no friends or bad friends? or bad grades? or a sense of self-dislike?

Often, children become self-centered. They sit in the bus of self-thinking and try to wander to a lot of destinations. Overthinking is not a bad habit, but, without proper analyses and given the immediate action may sometimes prove to be dysfunctional.

If career thoughts affects the child, then relationships impact the child.

These children are so young to love anything they like. A pious art of love touches their heart. But, what if that goes away? The rose bud child will break his/her own heart.

You can substitute a broken glass but can never easily mend an honest truthful heart and even if you try to, the mark will always highlight itself in the memory of the endurer.

